Working tables and workshops

Aggiornato il: 03/05/2023

The co-design sessions take place in the form of focus groups and workshops mainly within the CTE - House of Emerging Technologies - of the PRISMA Prato project.

Thanks to the help of the Service Design laboratory team of the University of Florence and in synergy with the competent offices of the Municipality of Prato, the participants will discuss proposing solutions for achieving climate neutrality on a local scale, which will be translated into strategic actions for the establishment of the Action Plan for Climate Neutrality.
The Action Plan will serve to fulfill the commitments defined in the "Climate City Contract" that the municipal administration will sign next October 2023.

Working tables

From 21.10.2022 to 05.12.2022 local actors were able to participate in co-design tables on energy efficiency issues; circular economy; sustainable mobility; agriculture; land use and urban forestation.

Formation of the working groups

Four working group are prospect to be set and will be made up of different target groups, mainly divided into:

  • Group 1 - Participants of the Municipality and Utilities; Trade associations and other economic subjects; Construction professionals and sections of the economic categories; Enterprises; Agricultural associations and short chain producers; Environmental associations; Transport and mobility company; Executives/public officials of the technical services of the Municipality of Prato.
  • Group 2 - Organizations, companies and associations belonging to the cultural sector; Sports clubs; Citizens' committees and merchants; Management and faculty of the university system.
  • Group 3 - Third sector bodies and associations
  • Group 4 - Student City Council

The meetings of groups 1, 2, 3 took place at the CTE spaces - House of Emerging Technologies - of the PRISMA project in via Galcianese 34 from 15.00 to 18.00.

The meetings of group 4, the one made up of the students' municipal council, took place in other spaces including the council hall and Officina Giovani.

The 3 main steps in which the process was created

  1. Clarify the context of the session by describing the topic to be discussed. Present a state of the art regarding the interventions carried out by the Municipality of Prato according to the theme of the session, in particular, concerning CO2 storage and actions aimed at achieving climate neutrality;
  2. Dividing stakeholders into working groups, according to their category, stimulating a fruitful debate through the use of specific tools aimed at facilitating dialogue between the actors. This debate aims to define an overall vision of the actions implemented by the territorial realities regarding the topic under discussion;
  3. Report the problems that emerged during the discussion to the plenary and investigate the causes and barriers identified. In a subsequent phase, i.e. that of the workshop, the contents that emerged during the focus groups will be reworked into concrete actions and specific strategies useful for signing the "Climate City Contract".



The second phase of the Prato Carbon Neutral co-design process, which will accompany us in writing the Climate City Contract, is included in the "Co-design a portfolio of actions" section of Net Zero City and will be elaborated through a phase targeted workshops divided by work theme.

During the workshops, a selection of local representatives, supported by experts in the various thematic areas, will be convened in order to co-create paths of impact, through the definition of concrete and radical actions, of expected medium and long-term results and of direct and indirect co-benefits.

The topics

The topics we will work on will be:

  • energy efficiency;
  • sustainable mobility;
  • circular economy;
  • agriculture, land use and urban forestation.

Workshops: what do they expect

  • To explore the scenarios that emerged from the first listening phase (Focus Group), through the guidance of experts from the various thematic areas who will explain reference case studies relating to the scenarios set out on the working table;
  • Thanks to the help of the experts, we will identify proposals and expected results relating to each scenario through the use of specific tools made available by the co-design team of the UNIFI - DIDA Service Design Laboratory;
  • In a subsequent phase, the proposals that have emerged and the expected results will be reworked into concrete actions and specific strategies useful for signing the "Climate City Contract".

How to participate in the workshops

On the dates of 10 - 12 - 17 - 19 January 2023 it will be possible for local actors to participate in the workshop tables on energy efficiency issues; circular economy; sustainable mobility; agriculture, land use and urban forestation.

Participation in the workshop days is free and will take place at the PRISMA-Prato Industrial Smart Accelerator headquarters in via Galcianese 34, Prato starting at 15:00.

Book on NOWR to participate in the appointments:

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